2:24 PM
Fresca is back! aren't you excited? I remember always getting that in the mid 80's when my mom would take me to Palm Springs. man, I loved that drink. It's back with different flavors. www.fresca.com
Don't forget that next Wednesday is Sabrosa Purr's last residency date for October at the Silverlake Lounge. I'm sure it will be a blowout!@ Come on and see them while they are still playing at small clubs! Seriously. I mean, look at The Vacation now. They are always on tour nowadays, opening for bigger bands. I tell ya' Sabrosa Purr are on their way! Their new CD entitled "music for the violet room" is out now, you can either pick it up at their show for only 8 bucks (comes with a sticker and really cool CD cover) or you can get it on itunes. Indie 103.1 has been playing a few of their songs lately, you can help out by calling indie and requesting them (the lovely people) and (pink). They both ROCK!! I'm just a big fan....... Have a nice weekend Peace. Suze