1:31 AM
Rock 'n Fucking Roll Baby! http://www.echo.co.uk/TheVacation/VIDEO/thev006_rtsp_300.wmv
that's what tonight was all about. The Vacation stood out like .... no, not a sore thumb .... more like a fucking amazing rock 'n roll band that could be playing huge arena's already. It's as if they are destined to be stars. I guess I wasn't listening all that much when they played at that dinky pub in HB but tonight I couldn't help but hear everything, it was LOUD! I had a smile on my face the whole time, it was so much fun. It's really hard to explain. I'm not going to try right now because it's just about 2am and i have to get up in 5 1/2 hours, it's going to take me awhile to get to sleep ... being so amped and all. g'nite for now.....
mornin’ or should I say afternoon….
The Gun Shys hit the stage first and it took a song or two for them to warm up. They are a good rock band with lots of potential for bigger and better things to come. They are a three piece band. The singer ‘Kyle’ sings and plays the guitar. Then you have Cliff, the bass player from The Shore. I really like these guys – they have that whole glam 70’s punk look going on along with the attitude and sound. The S’chool Girls came on next complete with a major glam attitude that wasn’t big enough for the room. I wasn’t expecting to like them as much as I did because I’ve seen them a few times in the past and was kind of sick of there whole shtick. Man, they rocked. It was like seeing “insert famous 70’s glitter, glam band here” all over again. They added another guitar player which added to the sound, maybe that’s why I enjoyed it more, I don’t know. If you didn’t attend any type of glitter – glam – gig back in the 70’s then for sure you would love to see The S’chool Girls and it would be fresh to you. It’s a good time. The Vacation…. “…… I’m in love and I like it loud!!” These guys write some really great, catchy lyrics. I've been seeing these guys for years and they have a ton of new songs which I really dig. It was a loud punk-rock-iggy-pop-rolling-stones kind of set.
Ben (The Vacation) is such a great entertainer! He screams loud! He sings with passion! And his looks are impeccable. Of course Steve, Dutch and Denny are all excellent as well. Denny is the new/ old drummer from when they were called The Sons a few years ago. at one point during the show, Ben was stealing some girls drink and pouring it on his head then Brady (Frisky Jones) kept touching Ben and trying to unbutton his pants…. Ben stepped back and his foot fell in between the stage and the amp and I thought "oh my god" he got hurt – he didn’t limp or anything so that’s good. One of my favorite songs they do is called "Make up your mind" it's the one that gets everyone in the place in the mood for fun if they aren't already. The curtains went down and the show was over….. all of a sudden Ben walks out and makes them pull up the curtain and turn the microphones back on and he invited all of his friends (Gun Shys, S'chool Girls and Brady) on stage and they did a funny rockin’ version of Slade’s “Cum on Feel the noise”. needless to say it was very sloppy but fun none the less.
You really should check out The Vacation live! Go to their website or myspace.com to check out their profile and hear some songs they have up. Also check out The Gunshys new website, it's up an running and more photos should be up soon. they are on myspace.com as well.
I’m really looking forward to seeing The Vacation open up for Graham Coxon (Blur). I’ve been listening to Graham’s new solo CD for two weeks straight and it’s so diverse. Some of his songs are bluesy and others kinda punky-rock. Song number 7 is my favorite “people of the universe” that’s what I call it anyway.
I will be posting more photos on my photo page by the end of the weekend...