7:28 PM
music: Kelly Hogan (i'm on a country kick now....)
rain rain rain..... oh how i love the rain!! the sky looked amazing tonight, all purple and orange!
I was gonna head out to catch rhett miller ..... as it turns out he is also playing at the largo on thursday. so i'm gonna stay at home a catch the gilmore girls as i really wanted to anyhow. yay!
dead meadow is playing tonight at the silverlake lounge with the manifolds (hey bill!!) in case you don't want to stay home tonight.
if you have enough money to fork out...... the one and only ELVIS COSTELLO is playing at the UCLA Royce hall tomorrow night. i sooo want to go!! (anyone, anyone?)
last night i stayed home and watched laural canyon. i actually liked it alright. it was somewhat exciting in a heart pounding way..... but only when people were being totally honest in what they really wanted and went ahead and did it, which is rare! so in that sense, i liked it very much.
my next two movies waiting for me are.... sylvia and lost in la mancha.