12:00 AM
music: beatles - white album / Rooney oh and i almost forgot... PROBOT! you will not believe this but i LOVE this cd! it reminds me of really hard stuff like cannibal corpse, napalm death, motorhead, death, damn its good!!
Friday night was alright..... largo, drinking and socializing. I don't remember much of it though. not because of to many beers, but because i couldn't sit still, i wasn't in the mood to ... sit still and watch a band. Especially the band that opened for Jon, um... That was excruciating! i almost felt like throwing stuff at them, it was that bad to me. then Jon played - flanny introduced him by "Mr. Eternal sunshine". i thought that was cool! Neil Finn got up during the second set after just about everyone went home. that was alright, i was pretty tired and somewhat bored. i need to stay away from the largo because i feel as though i'm starting to take it for granted!!
but i won't...... stay away - i mean.
ok, so i had to much to drink and stayed in my jeep for a few hours with my friend talking till 4am, then we both felt sober enough to each drive home. i roll in about 5am! largo on fridays really fucks up my saturdays. so erich and i made a bet that we can't drink at largo anymore. i can stick to it. it's the only time i drink anyway.... water and working out is what it's gonna be all about for me for awhile starting today!!
ok, so today...... you will never guess what happened to me! i "lame-ass" locked my keys in my jeep by mexico city in los feliz. i was meeting some friends at the vista to see eternal sunshine and had to go grab a bite to eat first, at the pizza place across from mexico city. i'm looking for my keys after the pizza and couldn't find them. i never do this!! this has only happened to me once before, somewhere in the mid-west a long long time ago. so, i'm with my friend erich and i felt soo bad!! i called my friends who were in line at the vista and told them we weren't going to make it, i had to wait for A A A to get there. half an hour later, the first triple A guy couldn't get my jeep open, but his friend - a second triple A truck was able to within 5 minutes of his arrival! Erich went home and i started to but the 101 was sooo crowded, i went to Ameoba to wait for my friends to get out of the theatre then we went to The Standard, one of them got lost so didn't show up. basically my saturday morning sucked!! before i went to ameoba, i went to jetrag to check out jackets and i run into Nina and the dude from S'Cool girls or what ever the hell the name is... the glam band that plays around now... anyway, that was weird to run into Nina. later after the standard with rick, natasha, jake and myself - I met Lindsay at the ArcLight to catch the 7:50 showing of Eternal Sunshine..... and we run into everyone there.... all the other largo regulars, it was to funny! ben, pat, mark and their friends. it was fun.
the movie was so good. it was a little hard to follow at first but once you get into the story, it gets better. the movie hit lindsay and I about the same time, I also heard others talking about when it hit them and it was towards the end. i just started to cry. it was sad, yet happy. i don't think i can sit through it again for awhile, even if i really wanted to.
i'm home now and very very tired on this wonderful saturday night at 11:30pm.
i'm gonna try and stay home in the morning, get some laundry done, get my other computer hooked up and do some house cleaning. then go to LB for lunch with a friend.