4:40 PM
music: back to interpol today...
i got a cd player, one of those single ones that you plug in the cig lighter, it's just to hold me over till i get the 10 disc cd changer.
pete is all better!! yeah. i'm so relieved!
okay the elvis tribute thingy at the knitting factory was fab! it was for the norris cancer center...a friend of mine at the largo, greg, has cancer and it was all for him. it was very touching to see that all those amazing people showed up and played elvis costello songs all night and it was sold out even! the highlights were dramarama doing my all time favorite song " i want you" it actually brought me to tears (but i didn't tell anyone around me...) then aimee man did a few, michael penn did a few and jon brion did one alone and a few with kennedy (pump it up) there were alot more but i don't remember the names or even the songs they all did. sorry. but paul f thompkins was a hilarious host/comedian/banter boy!! anyway....i stayed home on friday because i was soo friggin tired from wednesday and thursday nights. no more beer for awhile....;) love, suze