11:30 PM
it's friday night. i opted to stay home and do nothing this evening. had some hot tea and ended up watching the pbs channel, some english sitcoms, one with judy dench....pretty cool stuff!! i missed jon brion once again.
i was productive though well, sorta....i made a flyer for the "20 Miles" gig at the smell & detroit bar for judah bauer.
tomorrow (saturday) i'm going to the virgin megastore at 1pm to see brendan benson for free.
the news was so depressing tonight! it's so sad that all those kids died at a friggin great white concert in rhode island!
i don't get those bands using the fire on stage, it's so lame. well, except for ac dc. and then the kid in the on-line chat room who
took all those drugs on camera and everyone was eggin' him on to take more.....so he did and died!
ok, must go read or something now~~~~~s