3:12 PM
Wouldn't you know it.... Sick again! I haven't even gone out and I've been taking vitamins... What the hell?! This girl at my work had pneumonia. great. I'm going to my aunts house with my dad's side of the family tomorrow. I don't have any other plans really. Perhaps a movie and dinner for Christmas. I'm so not in the Christmas mood although I did appreciate the Xmas cards that I received. I didn't buy anything at all this year (no cards, no presents). I didn't even get my Jeep back yet. Maybe on Monday. If the guy at the Jeep dealer wasn't as nice and cool as he is then I'd be super SUPER upset. Lucky for him he is also cute :) I hope to get it by Monday, that would be perfect because I don't have to work.
As for "my place", I'm waiting for a call from the landlord to tell me how much more the garage will be then I'll decide. I wonder if there are any cool "old style" places in Fullerton, I should check there. I either have to be near the beach or the place has to be charming. Even better if it's both.
Thank you for the Christmas Cards! I hope everyone has a Good Holiday and a Kick-Ass New Year. haha. LOVE, PEACE, JOY AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS AND GOOD FORTUNE FOR 2006
1:02 PM
 The names of 75 different bands are represented in this photo. Can you find them all?
Example: The guy crushing the pumpkins with the sledgehammer represents "Smashing Pumpkins"
A few people at my work and I got together on this and I think we found them all. except for a few.... what the hell does the yellow man under the shop sign represent? or the lesbian couple kissing or the 3 logans run looking chicks running from the Rolling Stones?
I thought I would get my Jeep back today but of course it's not going to be ready until Tuesday at the latest. Everyone at work keeps asking me about it, I can't wait to get it back so I can just say "it's out in the parking lot - check it!". I'd like to get that 'Sirius' radio but now i'm thinking ... what if it gets stolen? I'll just stick with my ipod hook up. I found a 1 bedroom apartment in a cute 20's building in Long Beach. It's a little more expensive then my small studio but this has an actual bedroom, living room, walk in closet, good sized kitchen with space for a table and chairs. It's upstairs and no hardwood floors like I wanted but It's still cool. It smells like the neighbor has a 'smelly cat' so I don't know if the smell will linger over into my place or what. I say 'my place' as if I got it already....The building has about 12 units and the top units share a stairwell that links into 2 apartments each. Now to sign the papers and find some people to help me move in ..... maybe January 1st?
I'm going to take another look at the area this weekend. The only bad thing is.... PARKING. My old place was in the middle of these million dollar houses in a very upscale neighborhood so parking was never an issue, it was still street parking but everyone else seemed to have a garage included with the million dollar home. The new place is in a nice neighborhood about 5 blocks away on the same street except it has more apartment buildings and maybe only 1 or 2 'million dollar' homes in the area. So street parking is going to suck, I know. decisions, decisions.....
The place to be tomorrow night is SPACELAND in Silverlake. I haven't been out in about a month or so to see any bands. I'm excited that not one, not two but THREE of my favorite local bands are playing together. The Vacation, Sons and Lovers and The Willowz whom I haven't seen in about a year (it seems). I'm not going to say anything like "come!, you can't miss this" or "be there or you suck" because there are so many times when I say I'm going to go and end up not going. Do what you want. You may not feel like going out on Saturday night. You may just feel like staying home watching tv and eating sunflower seeds and popcicles, and that's ok.
9:42 AM
I saw John Travolta die twice yesterday. I watched "A Love Song for Bobby Long " via netflix then "Phenomenon" which happened to be on tv. Sorry if I gave anything away but it was pretty obvious it was going to happen in both movies. I had forgotten all about the Bobby Long movie, it was excellent. My head hurt from crying so much. Scarlett Johansson does a really good job in it. She is a great actress in a lot of movies. Phenomenon really pulls on those heartstrings too.
Lately when I think of somewhere that I want to go, I get depressed because I don't have my own vehicle with me (just yet). The car that I'm renting is depressing and I hate getting in and out of it. I feel as though I'm going to fall when I get in because it's like i'm sitting on the floor. I was going to trade it in today but it's Sunday and they are closed. I heard that Paul McCartney was amazing live. I wish I would have gone! My friend Rick ended up going at the last minute and told me that Paul even did some songs from "band on the run". I'm so jealous of that. The Stones were in town a while ago (and will be back in March) but I ended up not going to that either. I figured, why would I want to see a bunch of 60 yr old rocking out. To answer my own question, because they are The Rolling Stones! Granted my life isn't any better for seeing Bob Dylan this past year but The Stones, c'mon.
Next weekend I told my friend that I would go to her xmas party in Burbank. I'm looking forward to it, it's just that I found out that an old favorite 90's band of mine is going to be playing in San Diego that same night, and I haven't seen them in about 10 years. Uncle Big 'Ol Driver is a San Diego band but they used to play around here a lot. I've even seen them in Portland/ Seattle. They played with other San Diego local bands like Fluf and The Dragons. I just hope they play again. Did anyone see the recent Muffs show? yeah, I missed that one also. I did see Jon Brion on Friday. Ben from Death Cab for Cutie showed up and did about 6 songs with and without Jon. It was a treat. The man has talent. I haven't really been listening to DCFC in ages but after seeing him live, I think i'll pull out some of their CD's. One thing that I'll always remember from Friday night was when someone yelled out "girls just want to have fun" and Jon went right into that song but done in a "don't think twice, it's alright"/ Dylan style. It was the most hilarious thing he's done in a long time.
other good shows coming up are The Vacation with The Willowz at Spaceland on Dec. 17th, some of my favorite local bands playing together - that's what I like to see! I hope that Sons and Lovers can get on that bill also, might as well throw in Sabrosa Purr and make it a blow out party!
I must get out and try to join the rest of the world today. I've been staying home an awful lot lately. I hope things will change once I get my vehicle back.